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Cute Little Dimples

Writer's picture: galerigaleri

We have a new collection of mugs, cups, breakfast bowls and milk jugs all sporting Emma Lacey’s trademark dent.

Each Piece is hand thrown and finished by the artist with a tactile comfortable ergonomic shape.

We have a variety of colours from slate to silver grey and in contrast, orange, powder blue, pale yellow, pink & cream.

Emma’s work has featured in The Great British Bake Off and The Great Pottery Throwdown as well as British Vogue, ELLE Decoration, House and Garden, Stylist and Living etc magazines.

Its not surprize that Emma’s work is so popular, but let’s face it, what’s not to love about those cute little dimples!

Mae gennym ni gasgliad newydd o fygiau, cwpanau, bowlenni brecwast a jygiau llaeth i gyd yn cynnwys tolc nod masnach Emma Lacey.

Mae pob Darn yn cael ei daflu â llaw a'i orffen gan yr artist gyda siâp ergonomig cyffyrddol cyffyrddol.

Mae gennym amrywiaeth o liwiau o lechen i lwyd arian ac mewn cyferbyniad, oren, glas powdr, melyn golau, pinc a hufen.

Mae gwaith Emma wedi ymddangos yn The Great British Bake Off a The Great Pottery Throwdown yn ogystal â chylchgronau British Vogue, ELLE Decoration, House and Garden, Stylist and Living ac ati.

Nid yw'n syndod bod gwaith Emma mor boblogaidd, ond gadewch i ni ei wynebu, beth sydd ddim i'w garu am y pytiau bach ciwt hynny!

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