Between 1844 and 1856 the landscape painter David Cox spent many summer months working at Betws y Coed in North Wales. Largely as a result, the area became a favorite resort for young English artist and tourists from all ofver the world, attracted by the idea of visiting the artist colony,
However some of the visitors progressed beyond their interest in the beautiful landscape and to a commitment to the indigenous cultureof Wales. The most important of them was Clarence Whaite from Manchester who eventually set up home near Conwy.
Whaite's remarkable landscape and subject painting,and his contribution, along with a group of colleagues based in Cardiff to the creation on a national art world inWales have largely been ignored by art historians.
This book celebrates the work of Whaite and other painters of the Betws y Coed artsit colony, and documents the emergence of the Welsh art world in the second half of teh ninteenth century.
Clarence Whaite and the Welsh Art World - the Betws-y-Coed Artists' Colony, 1844-1914
Written by Peter Lord with foreword by Dadid Mortimer-Jones
Published by Coat & Coutry Productions, Llandudno 2009
First Published by National Library of Wales Aberystwyth 1998
Rhwng 1844 a 1856 treuliodd y peintiwr tirluniau David Cox fisoedd lawer o haf yn gweithio ym Metws y Coed yng Ngogledd Cymru. Yn bennaf o ganlyniad, daeth yr ardal yn hoff gyrchfan i artistiaid ifanc o Loegr a thwristiaid o bob rhan o'r byd, wedi'u denu gan y syniad o ymweld â gwladfa'r artistiaid,
Fodd bynnag, symudodd rhai o’r ymwelwyr y tu hwnt i’w diddordeb yn y dirwedd hardd ac i ymrwymiad i ddiwylliant brodorol Cymru. Y pwysicaf ohonynt oedd Clarence Whaite o Fanceinion a sefydlodd gartref ger Conwy maes o law.
Mae tirwedd a phaentio pwnc hynod Whaite, a’i gyfraniad, ynghyd â grŵp o gydweithwyr sydd wedi’u lleoli yng Nghaerdydd i greu byd celf cenedlaethol yng Nghymru, wedi’u hanwybyddu i raddau helaeth gan haneswyr celf.
Mae’r llyfr hwn yn dathlu gwaith Whaite ac artistiaid eraill trefedigaeth gelfyddydol Betws y Coed, ac yn dogfennu ymddangosiad y byd celf Cymreig yn ail hanner y bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg.
Clarence Whaite a'r Byd Celf Cymreig - Gwladfa Artistiaid Betws-y-Coed, 1844-1914
Ysgrifennwyd gan Peter Lord gyda rhagair gan Dadid Mortimer-Jones
Cyhoeddwyd gan Coat & Coutry Productions, Llandudno 2009
Cyhoeddwyd gyntaf gan Lyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru Aberystwyth 1998
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